Tel: 817-297-9670
Fax: 817-297-9878
Healthy Living Fitness

You have finished up a round of physical therapy but aren't quite comfortable enough to hit the gym, what do you do? You join our Healthy Living Nutrition and Fitness Program, of course! What is our Healthy Living Nutrition and Fitness program you ask? Our licensed Physical Therapist will complete an assessment of your current physical and wellness needs and create a custom exercise program to help you reach your healthy living goals. Unlike a traditional gym, while enrolled in our program, you will be monitored by licensed Physical Therapists to help avoid injury, make sure your form is correct and to safely progress your program as you are ready.
Included in the price are quarterly full body evaluations by one of our licensed physical therapists! Set yourself up for long term success with our Healthy Living Nutrition and Fitness Program! We promise it is cheaper than you think. Contact us for more details!
Healthy Living Nutrition

Body movement is not the only important aspect to healing and recovery. The food you put in your body plays a big part in how well you recover and what your future function will look like. It is important to us that all patients be given the tools to reach their full recovery potential. This is why Physical Therapy Dynamics has partnered with Sendy Arguenta, RDN, LD at S.A. Nutrition, LLC. Contact Sendy today to schedule an appointment to review your nutritional needs so you can gain the benefits during your recovery journey with Physical Therapy Dynamics.